Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18th - It's a Bog's Life

We began the day with a stop at Ferd's Bog near Camp Huntington.  Found a lot of wildlife and enjoyed seeing the plants in this unique area.  Luckily nobody fell through the mat!

Then, a trip up the back side of Black Bear Mt. for a lunch with a spectacular view.

Please post a reaction or an observation or any insight you that may have occurred to you today.

Late Edit (9 PM)....  Here is the address of my photo site for the class:


  1. Going to Ferd's Bog today was a pretty cool experience. I never knew what a bog was and I definitely pictured something totally different. When I think of the word bog, I think about a swampy and dark place but Ferd's Bog was totally different. It was full of light, life and beauty. It was fun to step out onto the bog and sink in to the top squishy layer. The bog was also full of lots of wild flowers, plants and critters. We saw two carnivorous plants, which both had different adaptions to attract insects. The hike up Bear Mountain was also very peaceful and beautiful. We saw a lot of toads and a salamander. The view at the peak was breathtaking and I wish we could of stayed up there all night. Overall, the day was great!

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  3. Ferd's Bog was very cool. I've been to bogs before but never walked out on the floating mat to that extent. The further reaches of the bog had an incredible concentration of pitcher plants that were flowering. Black Bear Mtn. was an enjoyable jaunt, nice to get out and stretch the legs. This week I've had the luxury of thinking of how to structure my new course next school year and am coming up with more concrete ideas of how to put it into action. I hope to create more detailed course and trip plans during the day's events tomorrow. (previous post edited for atrocious grammar).

  4. Today I expericed two things I haven't ever seen or done. First we went to see a bog, before this class I have never heard of one before. I was picturing something a little different but I did find it pretty spectacular and different. I thought it was going to be a smaller piece of land, kind of like an island. It technically was surrounded and on top of water but it was much bigger. I saw so many plants, a snake, and a few bugs through the microscopes. This was a different expericnce and something new. I really enjoyed the hike up the mountain though. I have never hiked a mountain before but this was a great workout, scenery, and peaceful. When we got to the last part it became a lot steeper. But like Steve said, there's a rewarding thing at the top. He wasn't wrong. The view was spectacular! Being higher than the trees, seeing then lakes and even the bog was much different than pictures can show. Overall, I had an amazing day and very happy we got to go hiking.

  5. I have been to both places that we visited today but still seem to be astonished by their beauty. At the bog I was able to learn about several new plants and identify a few insects. I even got to have my first "Adirondack Tic Tac!" Being at the bog before I had never taken the time to look at the life that flourishes there, today I had a chance to do just that. It was great to take time to identify things I had never taken time to identify before. Just goes to show how every experience in the Adirondack Mountains can be a new one filled with information, education and excitement. It also reminded me of how many opportunities the Adirondacks provide us with to learn new things. Maybe next time I go for a hike I will bring a book with me just to see if I can learn something new :)

  6. Today was my first time visiting a bog. It was a great experience. First we had about a quarter mile walk down to where the bog began. Then there was a boardwalk that took us out into the bog. There is a platform at the end where we could step off out on to the bog. The bog was different then I expected. It was more sturdy and had a lot more vegetation then I first had thought. My favorite part of the day was being able to eat the wintergreen berries. They tasted of mint and were quite good....natures tic tac!

  7. Actually walking out on the bog and exploring it first hand was great. I've seen bogs before, but never literally been walking on one. The carnivorous plants were really cool, the pitcher plants were great to study up close. Then we hiked up Black Bear Mountain. What a view! No one can ever take that experience away from me.

  8. Today was a very tiresome day for me. I enjoyed going to the bog. At first I was scared to walk on the bog, but once I did, it was awesome!! I was able to identify a mayfly nymph with the scope, eat a wintergreen "tic tac" berry, and see a pitcher plant firsthand. I also enjoyed hiking up Black Bear Mountain, although it kicked my butt. I am very proud of myself for making it to the top! The top view was beautiful!!! So, far my experiences here have been great.

  9. I had a blast today! Ferd's bog was a great spot for the class to explore. I really enjoyed learning about the different plants and trying out a nice "fruit" salad of wild blueberries and wintergreen berries. Yum! I had the opportunity to even take a walk to the other side of the bog to the treeline and didn't fall in! The hike up Black Bear Mountain was a great bonding experience with everyone and was a great workout. The views from the summit were incredible and included Inlet and Fourth Lake. A great day and I have the muddy socks and bad tan line to prove it!

  10. Today was a day of many first for me. It was my first time walking on a bog as will as hiking up a mountain in the Adirondacks. While exploring on the bog I discovered many pitcher plants and tasted a few wild tic-tacs and blueberries, all of which are things I had never done or seen before. Although I have done a little hiking before today noting I had ever done came anywhere close to the spectacular view at the top of Black Bear Mt. I knew the site would be amazing but I was not expecting the view I saw. I’m glad I was able to capture these moments through pictures!

  11. I have seen a bog before but was never able to walk on one. It was a very interesting experience that I am glad I had the opportunity to do. The plants we learned about were also very interesting. The pitcher plant is a carnivorous plant that lures it's pray in with the liquid it holds with it's pitcher shape. The leaves are covered with a liquid so the insects cannot climb out once they fall into the liquid.
