As Beth just wrote in her email to you all, we hope you all arrived home safely and are relating your experiences to your family and friends. We are very happy that we did not have any serious injuries and that we had so many great conversations and experiences in just a few days.
As promised, here is our email contact information:
Beth S. Klein -
Karl Klein -
Tim Slekar -
Alexis Abramo -
I am still working on getting the photos up on a photosharing site. I will post here, and send out an email message when I get it ready. We have a LOT of photos.
Enjoy the rest of your summer! And, please do keep in touch and let us know of your successes and joys in teaching. We always take great delight in hearing about all the neat things you do in your classrooms (whatever kind of "classroom" you have).
For our final blog entry...are we just reflecting on what we learned and what we will potentially use in the future in our classrooms and such? I am sorry I have not blogged yet..It has been a very busy back to reality week and weekends...