Saturday, July 31, 2010

Faculty Contact Information

As Beth just wrote in her email to you all, we hope you all arrived home safely and are relating your experiences to your family and friends.  We are very happy that we did not have any serious injuries and that we had so many great conversations and experiences in just a few days.

As promised, here is our email contact information:

Beth S. Klein -
Karl Klein -
Tim Slekar -
Alexis Abramo -

I am still working on getting the photos up on a photosharing site.  I will post here, and send out an email  message when I get it ready.  We have a LOT of photos.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!  And, please do keep in touch and let us know of your successes and joys in teaching.  We always take great delight in hearing about all the neat things you do in your classrooms (whatever kind of "classroom" you have).



Thursday, July 22, 2010

2010 Tentative Schedule

Hi everyone!

If you go to the website for the course, you will find a schedule for next week.  As always, it's tentative, depending on factors beyond our control.  But, with any luck, we should be able to stick pretty close to what we have laid out:

I hope that you have finished most of the reading by now and are prepared to talk about what you have learned.  As you will see from the schedule, we have a couple of special guests on Tuesday - including Dr. John Slade, the author of the course text - Adirondack Green.  I am sure Dr. Slade will be delighted to sign your copy of Adirondack Green.

Before we meet Dr. Slade on Tuesday, we will also meet an authentic and real-life Adirondack Guide, Ed Kanze, who will be sharing some of his knowledge of the ADKs and also some tales from the region.  Here's a link to Ed's website:

I hope you are looking forward to our time together.  Beth, Tim, and I always enjoy this experience with you and it's always one of the highlights of our year - both professionally and personally.

See you on Sunday!

- Karl

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What do you think about this situation?

Hi everyone!

I just ran across this story in the NY Times.    It might make a good topic for a conversation next week.

A Popular Principal, Wounded by Government’s Good Intentions


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Adirondack Classroom - Summer 2010

Well, this blog is active again as we prepare for this summer's adventure.

As the summer participants log in and create  blogs, I will post the addresses here and we can begin to get to know each other before arriving at Camp Huntington later this month.

Please post YOUR blog address as a comment to this post.  It will help me see that you have gotten this far.  Once I see your blog address, I will add it to the blogroll.

Beth, Tim, and I are looking forward to our time together.

- Karl