Monday, July 6, 2009

Why the United States HAS to lead (Cleaning Our Clock)

In yesterday's NY Times, one of their regular columnists, Thomas Friedman wrote an opinion on why we should take the lead on "green energy." One of the excuses that we have used to excuse our inaction on global environmental issues is that unless the Chinese do something, anything we do will not amount to anything. Mr. Friedman addresses this and provides an alternative way to look at this issue.

Here's a link. Please follow the link and read his essay in this week's NY Times.

I also found a criticism of this concept. Here's a link (Question Everything - Tom, Tom, Tom, When Are You Going To Pay Attention To Reality?) to someone who finds fault with Mr. Friedman's analysis. It's a bit technical, but I think you will be able to follow the general ideas.

During our time together next week, Mr. Friedman's name will probably come up several times. You may be familiar with a couple of his books. His newest books usually deal with the topic that the world is "flat" and that there are implications in this for all of us.

Well, at this time next week we will all be together for a week of fellowship, rejuvenation, and learning. We hope you will come prepared to try new things and to reflect on your profession and how you can effect change on your students (and maybe even your family).


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