Well, we are less than two weeks from our rendezvous at Raquette Lake now and we hope you are enjoying your summer. It started out a bit dry but it looks like this week, the rain will be visiting us on a regular basis. Hopefully it will be a little drier during our time together.
When you looked at the schedule, you saw that we had some time scheduled to chat with John Slade, the author of our course textbook, Adirondack Green. Well, as it turns out, John is spending the summer in Norway and won't be able to spend any time with us. He does send his regrets.
Anyway, John sent along link to the Woodgate International website (his publishing company) and would like you to spend some time there. The address is: http://www.woodgateintl.com
- he specifically asked that you listen to his radio interview. When I just checked, the radio interview starts automatically, so don't be startled.
Thanks for checking in.
- Karl & Beth